Why Social Media is Ruining Your Life
“When it comes to striving for a six-pack, people are often only considering the now and what they see in the mirror in front of them. They’re not thinking about fertility, bone density or gut health.
Katherine Ormerod • Why Social Media is Ruining Your Life
The hypocrisy is stunning – all sorts of sexually charged images of girls in bikinis revealing their derrieres and hoicked-up cleavages are fine, but a woman feeding her child in the most nonsexual setting possible is somehow unacceptable.
Katherine Ormerod • Why Social Media is Ruining Your Life
Women on Instagram that you don’t know aren’t any different from a stranger on the street. She may have had a stillbirth. She may have spent $100,000 on fertility treatment to get her child. She may have had an egg donor. We don’t know anything. When we see these images on social media, it tends to stir feelings that everybody else’s life is perfec
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Tellingly, many of the adverse effects of social media use appear to be inherently gendered. Women make up the majority of audiences across all the visual platforms, notably Instagram and Pinterest,
Katherine Ormerod • Why Social Media is Ruining Your Life
While we like to preach the idea that you can “be anything you want to be” in our real lives, the truth is that there is a social stigma attached to self-invention as if it’s a con.
Katherine Ormerod • Why Social Media is Ruining Your Life
In the 1920s, parenting experts counselled to never hug or kiss your children, and in the 1950s pregnant women were encouraged to smoke. So, you know, there’s a precedence for at least a margin of error.
Katherine Ormerod • Why Social Media is Ruining Your Life
‘influence’ has taken on some quite sinister connotations over the past couple of years, and the idea of people quietly swaying our behaviour and making people buy stuff doesn’t feel positive at all. But I just thought, why can’t I use the platform to influence change – not just for me, but also for my daughters?
Katherine Ormerod • Why Social Media is Ruining Your Life
Stop making presumptions about other people’s finances
Katherine Ormerod • Why Social Media is Ruining Your Life
competitive. Few births are predictable and a good proportion don’t go exactly the way we might have hoped. A recent survey found that half of all new mothers experience regret, shame, guilt or anger after birth, mostly due to unexpected complications and lack of support. More than 70 per cent say they felt pressured to do things a certain way.
Katherine Ormerod • Why Social Media is Ruining Your Life
six in ten girls now say they feel prettier online than they do offline.