Why Nachos Aren't on the Menu
Taste is how a business differentiates itself when attention is scarce and choice is abundant. Knowing what to make is just as important as the ability to make it.
Evan Armstrong • The Art of Scaling Taste
Kaustubh Sule added
“In a world with scarce attention and many choices, taste sets a business apart. Knowing what to make is as important as the ability to make it.”
Elan Miller • How to Thrive as a Designer in the Age of AI
AD88 added
Krispy Kreme, Crocs, and Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing
Digital Nativedigitalnative.substack.comsari and added
There are different paths to success in the building of a startup, and it’s important to choose the one that aligns with your goals and values. Do you want to build the biggest business possible, or do you want to build a business you’re proud of and want to continue working at?
Lenny Rachitsky • Jason Fried challenges your thinking on fundraising, goals, growth, and more
Britt Gage added
It takes enormous discipline to NOT try to scale something that's working.
But some things just don't scale -- and trying to do so can destroy the golden goose in the process.
Many entrepreneurially minded people can't help themselves from trying.
phoebe and added
aron and added
Once you have something that feels like it has the potential to be a narrative that many people connect with, it’s probably better to amplify and extend that than it is to muddle the waters with a bunch of other stuff. As Nathan Barry, founder of ConvertKit, once told me: you want to build a skyscraper, rather than a strip mall.
Nathan Baschez • Why Content Is King
sari added
All in all, real positional scarcity businesses take time to develop, especially loyalty businesses that are difficult to get off the ground before a retail or consumption environment is fully understood. But I’ll leave with this thought: as the mobile internet, e-commerce, and the transformation of retail continues onward, I think there’s an incre... See more
Alex Danco • Positional Scarcity
sari and added