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Why Judaism?
You will watch your parents die and be buried. You will watch your newborn child emerge in a messy circus of heaving grunts and high-pitched wailing. You will watch your dreams and projects dashed, only to wake the next day and greet the fruits of your failure anew and cobble a life out of them all the same. You will punctuate the cavalcade of even
... See moreAlara and added
As I walked home down the steep slope of Fulton Street afterward, I thought: This is like a synagogue, but without Jews or Judaism. Like many things nowadays, the seculars have reinvented a religious concept to cope with the very barrenness that secularism bequeathed us. • Analyzing Balaji Srinivasan’s Book - The Network State
Jonathan Simcoe added
People want deep meaning and connection, but they move through life thinking of Judaism’s contribution to the world as Seinfeld and guilt.
Rabbi Elie Kaunfer • Empowered Judaism: What Independent Minyanim Can Teach Us about Building Vibrant Jewish Communities
Kelsey Osgood • Why Your "Digital Shabbat" Will Fail
Mark Fishman added
Rather than a system of distilled ideas or a code of behavioral ideals, Jewish observance is living Jews living Judaism and interested non-Jews enriching their own path with nuggets of Torah.
Rabbi Bradley Shavit DHL Artson • God of Becoming and Relationship: The Dynamic Nature of Process Theology
A world without convenient categories is a world that calls on people to take more ownership of the type of Judaism they want to practice in the world.