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Why I Write
JamesSomers – More people should write
genius.comYou should write because when you know that you’re going to write, it changes the way you live. I’m thinking about a book I read called Field Notes on Science & Nature , a collection of essays by scientists about their notes. It’s hard to imagine a more tedious concept — a book of essays about notes ? — but in execution it was wonderful. What i... See more • More People Should Write
But that’s not why you should write.
You should write because when you know that you’re going to write, it changes the way you live.
You should write because when you know that you’re going to write, it changes the way you live.
James Somers • More People Should Write
Writing isn’t just how I communicate ideas or discoveries; it’s how I come up with them in the first place.
Kyle Chayka • My writing robot
As Warner puts it, writing “is an embodied process that connects me to my own humanity, by putting me in touch with my mind, the same way a vigorous hike through the woods can put me in touch with my body.”
Austin Kleon • AI can’t kill anything worth preserving - Austin Kleon
When you describe yourself as a “writer” but your writing has become hard to find, it creates a crisis not just of profession, but identity. Who am I, if not my content?