• from Hard Startups - Sam Altman by blog.samaltman.com

    Johanna added

  • from Toil We Must by Kyle Harrison

    Stuart Evans added

  • Hard Startups - Sam Altman

    by blog.samaltman.com

    3 highlights

    Thumbnail of Hard Startups - Sam Altman

    Johanna and added

  • from AI Startup Trends: Insights from Y Combinator’s Latest Batch

    Nicolay Gerold added

  • Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days

    by Jessica Livingston

    Cover of Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days
  • from Traction by Gabriel Weinberg

    Philip Soriano and added

  • As a new founder, it’s tempting and often discouraging to compare your inside to another’s outside. Every other founder and company looks so well put together, whereas you are of course all too aware of your shortcomings and insecurities.

    Because of how much we deify the great entrepreneurs of our time, we end up inevitably comparing our new company
  • ... See more

from Edward Lando by John Koenig

sari added

  • from Social Capital in Silicon Valley by Alex Danco

    sari added