• from Presentation to Uplift Festival, 12.14.2014 by Charles Eisenstein

    Stuart Evans added

  • from Jesus Victory of God V2: Christian Origins And The Question Of God by N. T. Wright

  • from It's Called "Woo" Because It's Fun by Sadalsuud

    Stuart Evans and added

  • from Biblical Truths: The Meaning of Scripture in the Twenty-first Century by Dale B. Martin

  • from Magic, belief systems + web3 by Medium

    Keely Adler added

  • from Magical Realism and the Sociology of Possibility by poetrynw.org

    Keely Adler and added

  • from A Course in Miracles by Dr. Helen Schucman

    Claudia Dawson added

  • from The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh

    sari added