What’s Really Behind Those AI Art Images?

The Stupidity of AI

James Bridletheguardian.com
Thumbnail of The Stupidity of AI

andrea and added

How AI-generated art is changing the concept of art itself

Steven Vargaslatimes.com
Thumbnail of How AI-generated art is changing the concept of art itself

Isabelle Levent and added

Why Artificial Intelligence Often Feels Like Magic

John Herrmannymag.com
Thumbnail of Why Artificial Intelligence Often Feels Like Magic

Elan Ullendorff A brief history of creativity (and power)

When Art and Technology Collide

Digital Nativedigitalnative.substack.com
Thumbnail of When Art and Technology Collide

sari added

Austin Kleon AI can’t kill anything worth preserving - Austin Kleon

sari and added

Who gets credit for AI-generated art? – MIT Media Lab

Ziv Epsteinmedia.mit.edu
Thumbnail of Who gets credit for AI-generated art? – MIT Media Lab