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What's Going on Here, With This Human? - Graham Duncan Blog
What are the names of your last five managers, and how would they each rate your overall performance on a 1-100? • What's Going on Here, With This Human? - Graham Duncan Blog
When I try to figure out what game I’m playing, I see that for the last 25 years I have been playing a game of strategy applied to people, a game where over and over I try to answer the question “what’s going on here, with this human?” In this essay, I make recommendations about candidate selection based on thousands of assessments I have made and ... See more • What's Going on Here, With This Human? - Graham Duncan Blog
I now believe that there is no such thing as an A player in the abstract, across all time, in whatever ecosystem they end up in. The former head of recruiting at Bridgewater, Jeff Hunter, has a great essay in which he points out that former head of Apple stores Ron Johnson was an “A player” by any definition in Steve World (he was on the short list... See more • What's Going on Here, With This Human? - Graham Duncan Blog
Seeing people clearly—or at least more clearly—matters not just when finding the “best” hire, but in identifying the best role for them. Even looking at those of us who are lucky enough to have a high degree of choice about what we do with our work, I’ll bet that as few as 20% of us are in the seat that best optimizes our talents and skills at any ... See more • What's Going on Here, With This Human? - Graham Duncan Blog
What criteria would you use to hire someone to do this job if you were in my seat? • What's Going on Here, With This Human? - Graham Duncan Blog
How did you prepare for this interview? • What's Going on Here, With This Human? - Graham Duncan Blog
When you’re taking someone from one ecosystem to another, changing their context, you have to try to see the water in both. It’s disruptive and risky to take someone out of the setting in which they’re thriving, since there are a lot of subtle things going on in the original that may not be immediately obvious. How much of their success depends on ... See more • What's Going on Here, With This Human? - Graham Duncan Blog
Jerry Seinfeld once said, when asked how he felt about aging, “I think if you’re a little lucky in life you should enjoy getting older…when you’re young you can’t see what’s going on so well. You get older, you walk into a room and you see who people are faster.” • What's Going on Here, With This Human? - Graham Duncan Blog
Resourcefulness is the single most important competency, so here’s my advice: look for evidence of Resourcefulness 100% of the time as you evaluate candidates. Imagine that you have special magical glasses that register through the lens whether the candidate is, at this moment, revealing Resourcefulness and maybe then it flashes green, or lack of R... See more • What's Going on Here, With This Human? - Graham Duncan Blog
When you see people clearly, you see the transcript of their conversation with reality up until that moment of your meeting, and you glimpse the horizon that stretches out ahead of them. And then sometimes you can help them overhear themselves and overhear what the world wants from them, whether or not that includes working in the role that you had... See more