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What Specifically Do Generalists Do?
Any industry or organization can benefit – indeed, thrive – by adding generalists to the mix.
Steve Hardy • What Specifically Do Generalists Do?
Perhaps the most obvious of generalist characteristics is the connect-the-dots serendipity-searching that comes from linking disparate subjects together. Such cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural knitting is core to moving from incremental innovation to transcending ideation.
Steve Hardy • What Specifically Do Generalists Do?
Link & Leap - generating ideas
Mix & Match - connecting people
Mix & Match - connecting people
Steve Hardy • What Specifically Do Generalists Do?
The chief reason why ideation is now so important is that it starts at the beginning; in the truest sense of exploration. The main argument as to why generalists can offer such valuable assistance with this is that they can hunt down and recognize more different possibilities than can specialists. Generalism is not simply a nice-to-have; it’s essen... See more
Steve Hardy • What Specifically Do Generalists Do?
perhaps it is fitting to say then that inspiration comes from everything. But we have no exact way of pinpointing what part of everything it derives from, and so open, freethinking is essential for its emergence. It could even come from the interplay of everything with everything else, in which case inspiration is most at home in highly communicati... See more
Steve Hardy • What Specifically Do Generalists Do?
Nothing can substitute for depth of analysis, and there's proven value in specialization – it's what education, career paths, scientific research, and technological innovation are built on – but generalism is a secret talent.
People who appreciate diversity, who are in the know about the wider world and who understand how things interact are invalua... See more
People who appreciate diversity, who are in the know about the wider world and who understand how things interact are invalua... See more
Steve Hardy • What Specifically Do Generalists Do?
Information is economic sunshine. Do you capture it and trade it around or do you let it bounce away?
Steve Hardy • What Specifically Do Generalists Do?
“Today, most of us live in a shattered world. A world of disconnected bits and pieces, so it is no longer easy to recognize our place. And when we can't see the connections, we fail to recognize causal relationships and therefore feel no responsibility.” -- David Suzuki, The Nature of Things
Steve Hardy • What Specifically Do Generalists Do?
Ideation feeds on lateral thinking and free association. And the farther one can look the more there is to learn and connect. In this sense, crossing cultural borders – replete with unique languages, customs, traditions, politics, religions, senses (sights, sounds, smells, tastes), technologies, and philosophies – is the most expansive lateral thin... See more
Steve Hardy • What Specifically Do Generalists Do?
Ideas follow inspiration, which comes freely at a friendly intersection of diverse multidisciplinary, multi-industry, multicultural thinking – exactly the kind of thinking that our focused lives tend not to have enough of.