• what's a good commitment?

    by Nix 🕊

    Thumbnail of what's a good commitment?

    Zach Kirshner added

  • from commitment is the only secret knowledge

    Lori Abichandani added

  • from Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of Infinite Browsing by Pete Davis

    sari added

  • from 3-2-1: Lucky Breaks, How People Learn, and a Theory of Life - James Clear by jamesclear.com

    Kyle Steinike added

  • from How David Perell Uses ChatGPT as a Creative Partner by Dan Shipper

    andrea and added

  • from Hugging the X-Axis - David Perell by David Perell

    sari added

  • Hugging the X-Axis - David Perell

    by perell.com

    6 highlights

    Thumbnail of Hugging the X-Axis - David Perell

    sari and added

  • Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of Infinite Browsing

    by Pete Davis

    4 highlights

    Cover of Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of Infinite Browsing

    sari and added