Saved by sari
what is there when there is nothing
“I like to keep busy,” she smiled. The interviewer sighed gravely, “I’m the same way—always running from one project to another, always juggling twelve balls in the air. Why do we do it?” Her smile vanished, and she said slowly, thoughtfully, a little sadly, “For myself … I’m afraid that if I ever stop running, if I ever stop doing things all the t
... See moreNathaniel Branden • Honoring the Self: The Pyschology of Confidence and Respect
Amidst the omnipresence of work, can our minds ever stop identifying with the constant need to produce?
Lawrence Yeo • The Omnipresence of Work - More To That
recovering a sense of self and purpose
Coming to it honestly
some of our resistance to going into transition comes from our fear of this emptiness. The problem is not that we don’t want to give up a job or a relationship, or that we can’t let go of our identity or our reality. The problem is that before we can find a new something, we must deal with a time of nothingness.