
My first impressions of web3


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Emily Gorcenski The Myth of Decentralization and Lies about Web 2.0 · EmilyGorcenski.com

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The Web3 Movement’s Quest to Build a ‘Can’t Be Evil’ Internet

Gilad Edelmanwired.com
Thumbnail of The Web3 Movement’s Quest to Build a ‘Can’t Be Evil’ Internet

Emily Gorcenski The Myth of Decentralization and Lies about Web 2.0 · EmilyGorcenski.com

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Web3/Crypto: Why Bother?

Albert Wengercontinuations.com
Thumbnail of Web3/Crypto: Why Bother?

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Tim O’Reilly Why it's too early to get excited about Web3


Crypto and the Conservation of Centralization

Dror Polegdrorpoleg.com
Thumbnail of Crypto and the Conservation of Centralization

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stratechery.com The Great Bifurcation

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