Weapons of Math Destruction Quotes by Cathy O'Neil
Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
amazon.comReal Life Mag • OBJECTIVITY — Real Life
While we often think of terms such as “big data” and “algorithms” as being benign, neutral, or objective, they are anything but. The people who make these decisions hold all types of values, many of which openly promote racism, sexism, and false notions of meritocracy, which is well documented in studies of Silicon Valley and other tech corridors.
Safiya Umoja Noble • Algorithms of Oppression
I will even add that it would be dangerous to attempt this comparison; for when statistics are not based upon computations which are strictly accurate, they mislead instead of guiding aright.
Alexis de Tocqueville • Democracy in America, Volume I and II (Optimized for Kindle)
In principle, the math getting us in trouble could also remedy the problem by quantifying prejudice. But that could be done only by introducing the very data element that—so far—remains outside the analysis, albeit inside the eye of every profiling police officer: race.
Eric Siegel • Predictive Analytics
Fourth, blind data dredging can lead to the perpetuation of obsolete social biases
Ernest Davis • Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust
Only algorithms—well drawn, efficiently executed, and based on sound data—could deliver unbiased results.