We need to talk about your information diet

The Intellectual Obesity Crisis

Design an information diet like you would design your diet with food: this information is good, this information is bad, don’t consume this type of information, only consume this type of media during this specific time of day, etc.
Balaji S. Srinivasan • Legacy Media Is Lying To You - Balaji Srinivasan | Modern Wisdom Podcast 519
There are two modes of information discovery: foraging and hunting. Foraging is passive. You don’t have a clear goal; you just wander and scroll until something catches your interest. Hunting is active and purposeful. You know what you’re looking for and are consciously searching for it. A good information diet needs both: Foraging helps us decide
... See moreSari Azout • The End of Productivity

Ultimately you'll have to determine the info-diet that works for you. But if you insist on endlessly consuming whatever the web serves you, know that this banquet culminates in a bitter dessert: at the end of your life, when you're weighing your regrets, you probably won’t say “Man, I wish I’d spent more time browsing the web.”
Gurwinder • The Intellectual Obesity Crisis
The Intellectual Obesity Crisis