• from Is Somewhere Good the Future of Social Media? by Katja Vujić

    Keely Adler and added

  • from Opinion | the Great Delusion Behind Twitter - The New York Times by New York Times

    sari added

  • from Why social media can’t keep moderating content in the shadows by Joan Donovan

    sari added

  • from It's Time to Lie Down and Be Counted by Drew Austin

    sari added

  • from The Dark Forest Theory of the Internet by Yancey Strickler

    sari and added

  • from How The Internet Is Like A Dying Star by The Atlantic

    Keely Adler added

  • from Building a More Honest Internet - Columbia Journalism Review by Ethan Zuckerman

    sari and added

  • from How to Internet by Jenny Odell

    Stuart Evans added