Saved by Stuart Evans and
We are all cells in God's body
I see the world as a vast, living, breathing organism of which we are but a small part. You and I are cells in God’s body, and the best thing we can do is learn to perform our function to the best of our ability. In my experience, the surest way of doing that is to listen to our authentic desires—what the Bible calls the desires of our hearts. They... See more
Rebekah Berndt • We are all cells in God's body
Reality is something much bigger than our ordinary senses are capable of perceiving, and learning to be in relationship with it requires us to enter the imaginal realm. Mysticism, magic, and animist frameworks are ways of doing that, so I write a lot about those topics.
Rebekah Berndt • We are all cells in God's body
I believe that Christianity as a religion has profound gifts to offer the world, but that can only happen when Christians are willing to be in a humble and open-hearted dialogue with everyone else. I am less interested in defending the Christian religion or some notion of Christendom than I am in allowing the truth of Christ’s message to penetrate ... See more
Rebekah Berndt • We are all cells in God's body
I think the primary work of Jesus Christ was to show us a path of self-giving love that is bigger than our fears, bigger than our jealousies and resentments, and bigger than our worst thoughts and deeds. By love I mean neither neither a milquetoast “kindness” that elides the hard bits nor a graceless “tough-love” program for perfection.
In my exper... See more
In my exper... See more