Saved by Stuart Evans
Unlocking Generosity | #142
Saved by Stuart Evans
What if you: Gave 5x what you are comfortable with to someone? Abandoned the idea of an inheritance or lower your goal of retirement savings by 10% and instead invest that money in people, causes, and learning in ways that might lead to interesting results? Help pay a bill in someone’s life that might be having a hard time? Give money directly to p
... See moreMany of us have gift relationships with our immediate families where keeping an accounting ledger of expenses would seem absurd. However many of us are afraid to take this approach with most other people in our life. I think this is not because we don’t like being generous but because we have enormous expectations and hang-ups about how we think ab
... See moreWe treat others as if they are consumers rather than friends. We are afraid to give because “what if we get taken advantage of?” or “what if someone wastes the money?” A gift mindset transcends these fears and morphs that question into “what kind of commitment can I make to support someone else?
gift-giving is not about learning to give without any expectation, it’s to give in a way that it aligns with a genuine caring about other people.