Underneath Your Personality: Discover Greater Well-Being Through Deep Living With the Enneagram
Think of noticing (without judgment) as a capacity you can develop to observe yourself more clearly. Noticing allows you to go underneath the stories you’ve told yourself and into the territory where real change can begin to take place.
Roxanne Howe-Murphy • Underneath Your Personality: Discover Greater Well-Being Through Deep Living With the Enneagram
unconscious filters that only accept supporting information. Regrettably, that means these filters miss and dismiss data that would otherwise provide alternative perspectives. Information that doesn’t fit our core belief patterns is subliminally discarded.
Roxanne Howe-Murphy • Underneath Your Personality: Discover Greater Well-Being Through Deep Living With the Enneagram
much of our lives just happen, and we aren’t really paying attention.
Roxanne Howe-Murphy • Underneath Your Personality: Discover Greater Well-Being Through Deep Living With the Enneagram
deciphering the invisible rules of our ego codes is to see what we focus on in our lives. What’s getting our time and attention?
Roxanne Howe-Murphy • Underneath Your Personality: Discover Greater Well-Being Through Deep Living With the Enneagram
These type-related beliefs are the central operating principles that shape who we think we are and how we respond to life. Unfortunately, the patterns that stem from these inaccurate core beliefs feel like reality to us when, in fact, they are self-limiting habits that perpetuate a myth. They are giving us a false sense of what is actually true.
Roxanne Howe-Murphy • Underneath Your Personality: Discover Greater Well-Being Through Deep Living With the Enneagram
You may recall from the Introduction that 95% of everything we do, think, believe, and feel takes place below our general level of awareness. Pause for a moment with that statement.
Roxanne Howe-Murphy • Underneath Your Personality: Discover Greater Well-Being Through Deep Living With the Enneagram
The problem with all these personality labels is that they are inherently limiting. We start to live within the narrow walls of who we think we’re
Roxanne Howe-Murphy • Underneath Your Personality: Discover Greater Well-Being Through Deep Living With the Enneagram
Keep in mind that our personality is not just connected to our thoughts. It’s ingrained in every part of our finite nature: in our bodies and the sensations they carry, in our hearts and the range of feelings we habitually experience,
Roxanne Howe-Murphy • Underneath Your Personality: Discover Greater Well-Being Through Deep Living With the Enneagram