Not enough stories get told about startups that don't make it.
@jakefuentes and @brelig recently shared a bunch of hard-won and incredibly insightful lessons from their attempt at building @Cascadeio (a data logic and analysis tool). Some of my favorite takeaways:
On taking on… Show more
Not enough stories get told about startups that don't make it. @jakefuentes and @brelig recently shared a bunch of hard-won and incredibly insightful lessons from their attempt at building @Cascadeio (a data logic and analysis tool). Some of my favorite takeaways: On taking on… Show more
On the importance of a focused ICP: "We allowed our ICP to fray, replaced by a focus on a competitor. In our fight to prove that we could win against Alteryx, we over-rotated on any customer that might be interested in switching or considering alternatives. While being responsive to customers sounds good, being responsive to any customer creates a ... See more
Lenny Rachitsky • Tweet
But we underestimated two things: the amount of product we would need to build to start repeatably winning, and how high switching costs would be for many of their customers. We didn’t have a clearly identifiable market force at our back, other than broad trends around collaboration and cloud-based solutions. Those trends helped enormously, but we ... See more