Saved by Tom Hadley
My notes from Anna Wintour’s biography turned into maxims: 1. Hire talented people as found, not as needed. 2. Taste is as rare as a unicorn. 3.Your employees should describe you as “easy to understand.” 4.Pretend to be completely in control and people will assume that you are. 5.Have a sharp eye for the weaknesses of others. 6.Combine ruthless efficiency with hyper competence. 7.If you’re not early, you’re late. 8.Get to the point. 9.Emails don’t need a subject line. 10. A blueprint for building power in media: Ads, Advice, Relationships, Money https://t.co/dp8vtuMASH decisive. 12.Powerful people associate with valuable brands. 13.Control all the ingredients. 14. Meticulously make friends with people who are the best in their field. 15. Nobody should know your niche as well as you. 16. Keep a strict professional schedule. 17.Recruit hungry young people. 18. Make decisions quickly. 19. Master the terse memo. 20. Read voraciously. 21. Always act in service of your mission. 22. Founders want information. They don’t want to be told what to do. 23. Passion, purpose, and discipline are universally admired. 24. Killing products is necessary to teach your team your standards. 25. Create an environment where excellence is expected. 26. People judge you by your performance so focus on the outcome. 27. Be the first to leave. 28. Be frank about your ambition. People can’t help if they don’t know what you want. 29. Quality over feelings. 30. The founder’s job is to make sure it’s done right. 31. Have no qualms about being completely focused. 32. Talent routinely makes the mistake of being self-absorbed instead of being of service. 33. Stay close to the money. 34. Money comes naturally as a result of service. 35. Media can invent celebrity. 36. The only predictable thing about you should be your passion for your product. 37. Self-confidence is contagious. Self-doubt is too. 38. You get two minutes, the second is a courtesy. 39. Control the guest list. 40. Resist any cheapening of the brand, however popular and lucrative it might be in the short term. 41. Relationships last longer than money. 42. Build up your entire industry and you rise automatically. 43. Repetition is the foundation of clarity of thought. 44. Don’t try to handle stress. Learn to enjoy it. 45. The story of the father is embedded in the daughter.
Saved by Tom Hadley