How I got Mark Cuban to email me back (and the cold email framework so you can too):
When you want to be introduced to an investor, first find three to five people in your network who know that person. Then ask those three to five people each to send an email to the target investor, letting the target investor know how great they think you are and highly recommending meeting you. After receiving several such emails, the investor wi
... See moreAlex MacCaw • The Great CEO Within: The Tactical Guide to Company Building
Comme je suis très timide, j’ai décidé d’envoyer des courriels aux gens qui m’intéressent. En cherchant un peu, j’ai trouvé les adresses de personnes très connues et je me suis mise à leur poser des questions sur leur vie : comment ils avaient créé leur entreprise, ce qui comptait pour eux…
Dale Carnegie • Comment se faire des amis à l'ère numérique (Développement personnel) (French Edition)
Naval Ravikant • Be Too Busy to ‘Do Coffee’
Let’s say I’m trying to build tools to help public speakers get more speaking gigs and I bump into one at a conference. I’m not going to try to set up a meeting. Instead, I’m just going to immediately transition into my most important question: “Hey, I’m curious—how did you end up getting this gig?” As a side bonus, we’re also now having an interes
... See moreRob Fitzpatrick • The Mom Test: How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you
I find the most effective way to get someone's attention is to simply give, just like in dating. Hey, I noticed that you read this book on your website. I think you'd like this book too; it's pretty sh... See more