When you start designing the tokenomics for a project, or when you’re looking at a project’s tokenomics, one important question is how the tokens are going to get into people’s hands. The way tokens are released into the wild can have a significant impact on the long term success of the project, so it’s not something you want to overlook. And if yo... See more
Media creators today can issue their own cryptographic token and design distribution and incentives around it to trigger a virtuous cycle for themselves and their fans. A simple token economics model could help media creators bootstrap funding for new projects, reward early fans and rally communities towards a common goal. In short, communities sho... See more
But setting up Tokenomics is not a small task for creators, specifically for those new to the crypto world. How many tokens should a creator allocate to contributors? How much of the supply should be reserved for the community’s treasury? What will be the total initial supply? Many questions come to mind, and it's not always easy to have the correc... See more
Early versions of token distributions have led to unsustainable dynamics wherein speculators are rewarded instead of those who are adding consistent value to networks through actual usage.
So whether you’re planning a token launch, or looking at the tokenomics of a project, here’s everything to think about around getting tokens in people’s hands.