Today's Front Pages | Newspaper Headlines
The End of News - The Atlantic
The End of News — The Atlantic
euronewsproject.orgnews that’s fit to print,” but it delivered a large enough proportion of published topics that, as a practical proposition,
Martin Gurri • Revolt of the Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium
The Outline, an attempt to build a bolder kind of news site, appears to have met its end
Joshua Bentonniemanlab.orgmean anything at all. On the front page of the gray old Times, I’m liable to encounter a chatty article about frying with propane gas. CNN lavished hours of airtime on a runaway bride. The magisterial tones of Walter Cronkite, America’s rich uncle, are lost to history, replaced by the ex-cheerleader mom style of Katie Couric. One reason the notion
... See moreMartin Gurri • Revolt of the Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium
The paper, in other words, did not merely cover the news—it created it.
Ashley Rindsberg • The Gray Lady Winked: How the New York Times's Misreporting, Distortions and Fabrications Radically Alter History
Meanwhile, publications, still burdened with relics of a bygone era, like copy desks, fact checkers, human resource departments, and health care plans, find themselves locked in a losing battle against a nimbler opponent, one with none of the checks and balances that gum up the production of hot takes.