• from Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future by Peter Thiel

    sari added

  • Zero to 1: Product Fundamentals for Go-To-Market

    by Medium

    11 highlights

    Thumbnail of Zero to 1: Product Fundamentals for Go-To-Market

    Kaf and added

  • from Airtable's Path to Product-Market Fit by First Round Capital

    Timour Kosters added

  • 7 Lessons from Andy Rachleff on Product-Market Fit

    by Parsa Saljoughian

    6 highlights

    Thumbnail of 7 Lessons from Andy Rachleff on Product-Market Fit

    sari and added

  • Zero to One

    by Peter Thiel, Blake Masters

    89 highlights

    Cover of Zero to One

    RP and added

  • from A Q&A with Eugene Wei: The Timeline is Evolving by Colossus

    Eli added

  • from Market-Protocol Fit by Laura Lotti

    sari added

  • Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days

    by Jessica Livingston

    Cover of Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days