Three New People: Make the Most of Your Daily Interactions and Stop Missing Amazing Opportunities
What is one weakness that I wish was a strength?
Brian Miller • Three New People: Make the Most of Your Daily Interactions and Stop Missing Amazing Opportunities
I didn’t suffer from a “fear of failure” the way that I did before my career in entertainment. Very few people outside of world class athletes and the military are trained to push through failure the way that performing artists are.
Brian Miller • Three New People: Make the Most of Your Daily Interactions and Stop Missing Amazing Opportunities
You have no idea what kind of opportunities await you just on the other side of that next connection.
Brian Miller • Three New People: Make the Most of Your Daily Interactions and Stop Missing Amazing Opportunities
Given that I mostly work for private events like company holiday parties and corporate banquets, there is a good chance that every single member of my audience will continue interacting with everyone else in the room in their daily work
Brian Miller • Three New People: Make the Most of Your Daily Interactions and Stop Missing Amazing Opportunities
The real secret is creating that shared experience in which the magician and the audience are a part of something together, rather than facing off against each other. Under the right circumstances and in the right mindset we can be transported together.
Brian Miller • Three New People: Make the Most of Your Daily Interactions and Stop Missing Amazing Opportunities
In other words, something that lasts seconds and means nothing to me could have long term repercussions for a volunteer.
Brian Miller • Three New People: Make the Most of Your Daily Interactions and Stop Missing Amazing Opportunities
feeling disconnected from the world and those around you isn’t just bad for your relationships or career; loneliness is detrimental to your health.
Brian Miller • Three New People: Make the Most of Your Daily Interactions and Stop Missing Amazing Opportunities
Perspective-taking is the ability to see the world from the point of view of another person.
Brian Miller • Three New People: Make the Most of Your Daily Interactions and Stop Missing Amazing Opportunities
When you, as the audience, have the “I did that too” reaction, you feel like I understand you. And when you feel understood, we make a connection.
Brian Miller • Three New People: Make the Most of Your Daily Interactions and Stop Missing Amazing Opportunities
The same cannot be said for sincerity. Perhaps the reason you can fake the former but not the latter is that confidence is an internal state; whereas, sincerity is external. In other words, confidence is something you feel about yourself, while sincerity is something that others feel about you.