Saved by Keely Adler
This Is How You Rest
Rest is soft, or sensual. It’s massaging your own palms with your thumbs, or
touching a purring cat, or holding a warm mug of tea, or smelling flowers or
coffee beans or cut-up herbs
touching a purring cat, or holding a warm mug of tea, or smelling flowers or
coffee beans or cut-up herbs
Caffeine added
The article on Medium is behind a paywall, but I have archived it for future reference.
réka added
Of course, given the screaming, incessant demands of the modern world, authentic rest sounds like a utopian fantasy. Who has time to do nothing? But rest is not nothing; it is essential to who we are and what we can become. Far from being mere “down time” or a boring break in the action, rest is a time of crucial metabolic and psycho-spiritual reor
... See moreFrank Forencich • The Art is Long: Big Health and the New Warrior Activist
"Rest is usually defined as something you're not doing. Instead, we should see it as a state we're achieving"
andrea added
In this way Ones can, with care, experience the type of rest that the poet David Whyte describes: “Rest is a conversation between what we love to do and how we love to be.”