This hotel in Monterey Bay, CA has a stick library available...
Late Checkout: A Ritz-Carlton Story
junipercustom.comThere’s a bookstore in Ginza that sells only one book. “A single room with a single book” is its tagline. Every week, the owner chooses the book, presents it in the center of the shop, and curates an exhibition with artworks, photographs, or related items around its subject matter. Entering his bookstore is like entering a book. • Move Over Influencers, Here Come Curators
Within the tranquil Porta Vittoria neighborhood in Milan, Italy, the European Library of Information and Culture (BEIC) proposal by noa* is intended to serve as a center for creation that inspires and liberates the mind. Titled ‘the Tree of Knowledge’, the project was flanked by the development of a natural landscape that permeates all spaces, whil... See more
noa* tops library concept in milan with organic roof ring + blossoming park
Library by Shigeru Ban, Kanagawa, Japan #shigeruban