Saved by Stuart Evans and
The War on Sensemaking
What can we trust? Why is the 'information ecology' so damaged, and what would it take to make it healthy? This is a fundamental question, because without good sensemaking, we cannot even begin to act in the world. It is also a central concern in what many are calling the "meaning crisis", because what is meaningful is connected to what is real.
Daniel Schmachtenberger • The War on Sensemaking, Daniel Schmachtenberger
Stuart Evans added
Stuart Evans and added
The War on Sensemaking, Daniel Schmachtenberger
youtube.comsari added
Thriving now means taking responsibility for using the cognitive tools we were all born with to make sense and find meaning. On a daily basis, we’re being asked to discern what’s fact, and what’s fiction.
Alexander Beiner • The Sensemaking Companion - Section I
Stuart Evans added
Keely Adler and added
Why Our Belief Systems Create Misperceptions- Published in The European, Nov 2014
Rivahardtowrite.comStuart Evans and added
Perhaps more than any other issue, our age is defined by our inability to agree on a shared foundation of what reality is and how to agree on what’s true about it.
Alexander Beiner • The Sensemaking Companion: Section III
Stuart Evans added