Saved by alex and
The Tyranny of the Marginal User
Fuller is something of a philosopher of digital design; his podcast “Scratching the Surface” canvasses experts in the field. In the past decade, he argues, a “user-centered” approach to design has been replaced by what he has taken to calling a “corporation-centered” approach. Rather than optimizing for the user’s experience, it optimizes for the e... See more
Kyle Chayka • Why I Finally Quit Spotify | the New Yorker
Shachaf Rodberg added
This is like robinhood
Software Is Beating The World
wheresyoured.atAlara and added
Artisanal software
In a speech delivered years ago, Ev Williams used agriculture as a metaphor to understand what’s possible on the Internet.
Agriculture was a tremendous invention – it got people fed and freed them to do many things. But agriculture – taken to the extreme in the pursuit of profit leads to a sick and obese population and industrial... See more
In a speech delivered years ago, Ev Williams used agriculture as a metaphor to understand what’s possible on the Internet.
Agriculture was a tremendous invention – it got people fed and freed them to do many things. But agriculture – taken to the extreme in the pursuit of profit leads to a sick and obese population and industrial... See more
Patricia Maeda messaged you
Daniel Wentsch and added
Any system where users can leave without pain is a system whose owners have high switching costs and whose users have none . An owner who makes a bad call – like removing the block function say, or opting every user into AI training – will lose a lot of users. Not just those users who price these downgrades highly enough that they outweigh the cost
... See moreCory Doctorow • Pluralistic: Bluesky and Enshittification
Daniel Santos added
Tekelala and added
Why are we seeing a global homogenizing of culture across every dimension that counts? Why has Hollywood become so creatively bankrupt that nobody bothers watching that oh-so-predictable-52nd sequel to a superhero movie? Why have pop songs become so objectively similar? Why is everyone following the same formula for their posts on Instagram and hum... See more • Culture & the Algorithm.
Thomas added
andrea and added