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- 1) Peace of mind. it's living a life of virtue and forgiving yourself when you fall short. one thing that has helped me is journaling every evening before bed and harvesting all the high / lows of the day as learnings. my soul is here on t
Patricia Mou • 40 pieces of "advice"
Start tracking your sleep to find out if you’re waking up at night without realizing it. Adjust the incline of your bed so that your head is elevated 10 to 30 degrees. Get an awesome mattress (without flame retardants or formaldehyde). Try sleeping on a thin, hard foam pad for a month (I recommend 1-inch-thick high-quality neoprene in 80-by-48-inch
... See moreDave Asprey • Game Changers
Nathan Baschez • Not Found
ZATARAIN: We were not intentional about our positioning for the first five years of the company because we didn't even know what brand pos... See more
Polina Pompliano • How Eight Sleep Co-Founder Alex Zatarain Built a Company That Pioneered the ‘Sleep Fitness’ Category
The giant insurance company Aetna, which has almost fifty thousand employees, has instituted the option of bonuses for getting more sleep, based on verified sleep-tracker data. As Aetna chairman and CEO Mark Bertolini described, “Being present in the workplace and making better decisions has a lot to do with our business fundamentals.” He further n
... See moreMatthew Walker • Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
we’re in midst of a ferocious global sleep recession,”