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The state of sound in 2020 and beyond
In recent years, we’ve seen the rise of spatial audio, Apple AirPods, digital walkie talkies, audio-based meditation and mindfulness services like Headspace (I’m an investor), and social audio experiences like Discord and Clubhouse.
Matthew Ball • How Technology Shapes Content and Business Models (Or Audio’s Opportunity and Who Will Capture It) —
Hardware enablers—AirPods and smart speakers—are colliding with changes in consumer behavior. On top of that, screen fatigue is drumming up demand for screen-less content. This confluence of factors is creating huge demand for “water”—for audio content and audio-first social networks.
Rex Woodbury • The Opportunity in Social Audio
Ek: “I believe that the AirPods may be one of Apple's all-time most sold devices next to the iPhone. And so if you think about that and just think about ambient computing and the ability for people to consume more and more content now via their ears, because most of us are having these sort of white earbuds in for many hours per day, that's just an... See more
Tobias Lutke • Mark Zuckerberg + Spotify & Shopify's CEOs discuss the Creator Economy on PressClub
How Technology Shapes Content and Business Models (Or Audio’s Opportunity and Who Will Capture It) —
Matthew Ballmatthewball.vcthree themes will emerge: innovation in the content format, the evolution of the business model, and the growing ubiquity of audio.
Andrew Chen • The Next Phase of Social? Listen Closely | Andreessen Horowitz
As we see more brands interested in the audio space, we’ve found a huge need for solutions to help guide their investment in their own audio identities.