The Source: A Novel

He was a most difficult god to understand. He was incorporeal, yet he spoke. He was invisible, yet he could move as a pillar of fire. He was all-powerful, yet he tolerated the lesser gods of the Canaanites. He controlled the lives of men, yet he encouraged them to exercise their own judgment. He was benevolent, yet he could command the extinction o
... See moreJames A. Michener • The Source: A Novel
“Wisdom is still the only thing, if with wisdom you also get understanding.”
James A. Michener • The Source: A Novel
Deuteronomy was a living book and to the living Jew it had contemporary force.
James A. Michener • The Source: A Novel
When I was your age I fought like a warrior, but I also studied and the time came when the empire needed a governor, and I was chosen. But I had won the office long before.
James A. Michener • The Source: A Novel
Men who had never played games would not have recognized this smile, but anyone who, like the gymnasiarch, had engaged in athletic contests most of his life would observe it with respect, because it was from such self-confidence that victory was built.
James A. Michener • The Source: A Novel
“A man is never old if he can still be moved emotionally by a woman of his own age.”
James A. Michener • The Source: A Novel
Symphonies and cathedrals are not built by the children of upper-middle-class families. They’re built by the units we saw tonight. You need these people very much, Cullinane, but we can’t spare them and you’re too frightened to take them.”