Saved by Keely Adler
The Rise of Low Sodium & Gentle Gaming
The everyday bickering amongst gamers is getting eclipsed by Low Sodium subreddits, nostalgic undertones, and a newfound appreciation for the artistry behind gaming. While realistic immersion, endless worlds, and intensive combat remain desired, there’s an overlooked and flourishing interest in the 8-bit, slow, low or no stakes, and artisanal compo... See more
Substack • The Rise of Low Sodium & Gentle Gaming
In an industry riddled with intense antagonism and high expectations, “Low Sodium” harkens back to what makes gaming so special: pure play.
Substack • The Rise of Low Sodium & Gentle Gaming
In an industry riddled with intense antagonism and high expectations, “Low Sodium” harkens back to what makes gaming so special: pure play .
Substack • The Rise of Low Sodium & Gentle Gaming
Larger, it’s a signal of what’s desired all throughout culture today: like-minded communities, decreased hostility, and just some simple good vibes.
Substack • The Rise of Low Sodium & Gentle Gaming
“Low Sodium” communities are in fact both more optimistic, less angry, and ultimately more enticing.
Substack • The Rise of Low Sodium & Gentle Gaming
When analyzing the language sentiment from gaming subreddits vs. their no salt counterparts, it’s statistically clear: discussions within “Low Sodium” communities are in fact both more optimistic, less angry, and ultimately more enticing.
Substack • The Rise of Low Sodium & Gentle Gaming
“Low Sodium” is a phrase which means “no salt,” or in other words, no negativity. Stop being so salty.
Substack • The Rise of Low Sodium & Gentle Gaming
Manufacturing ways to filter out the saltiness is now a growing priority.
Substack • The Rise of Low Sodium & Gentle Gaming
If we take these signals and extrapolate, the gaming world is purging some of its toxicity, and gamers are seeking out more innocent and nostalgic associations.
Substack • The Rise of Low Sodium & Gentle Gaming
it’s a signal of what’s desired all throughout culture today: like-minded communities, decreased hostility, and just some simple good vibes.