• from fastcompany.com by Arianna O'Dell

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  • from Can I ramble for a sec? by Sari Azout

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  • Talent: How to Identify Energizers, Creatives, and Winners Around the World

    by Tyler Cowen

    Cover of Talent: How to Identify Energizers, Creatives, and Winners Around the World
  • from Getting Better at Burnout by Mich Bondesio

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  • Sari Azout on Building Emotional Capital

    by Sari Azout

    7 highlights

    Thumbnail of Sari Azout on Building Emotional Capital

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  • from Billionaires Build by Paul Graham

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  • from Technology entrepreneurship and the disruption of ambition by Matt Clifford

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  • from Naval Ravikant explains why you don't need to be CEO by Naval Ravikant

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