The Problem With Software: Why Smart Engineers Write Bad Code (The MIT Press)

The Problem With Software: Why Smart Engineers Write Bad Code (The MIT Press)

Cover of The Problem With Software: Why Smart Engineers Write Bad Code (The MIT Press)

Adam Barr The Problem With Software: Why Smart Engineers Write Bad Code (The MIT Press)

Adam Barr The Problem With Software: Why Smart Engineers Write Bad Code (The MIT Press)

Adam Barr The Problem With Software: Why Smart Engineers Write Bad Code (The MIT Press)

Adam Barr The Problem With Software: Why Smart Engineers Write Bad Code (The MIT Press)

Adam Barr The Problem With Software: Why Smart Engineers Write Bad Code (The MIT Press)

Adam Barr The Problem With Software: Why Smart Engineers Write Bad Code (The MIT Press)

Adam Barr The Problem With Software: Why Smart Engineers Write Bad Code (The MIT Press)

Adam Barr The Problem With Software: Why Smart Engineers Write Bad Code (The MIT Press)