The price of payments

The Ownership Economy: Crypto & the Next Frontier of Consumer Software – Variant
Jesse Waldenvariant.fund

The Ownership Economy: Crypto & the Next Frontier of Consumer Software – Variant
Jesse Waldenvariant.fund

This new model takes what we have learned from the Aggregation Era and finds a way to blend it with the independence enjoyed by the “sovereign writer”—or, to be appropriately expansive, let’s call it “sovereign creator.” It is, I believe, the natural model of the internet, taking advantage of the web’s massive scale and interconnectivity and mergin... See more
Hamish McKenzie • The Age of the Sovereign Creator
In the past few years, startups like Substack, Patreon, and Shopify have created alternative ways for creators to build businesses online through direct transactions, rather than advertising. This shift exposed a simple fact: in an ad-driven world, creators were generally under-monetizing their audiences.
Andrew Chen • The Next Phase of Social? Listen Closely | Andreessen Horowitz

The Intersection of Fintech & the Creator Economy - Digital Native
Rex Woodburydigitalnative.substack.com