The Power of The Infra-Ordinary
The every-day is an arena of endless difference, a place we cannot simply go to. We are always-already immersed in it, although we typically do not realize this.
F.M.H. • The Power of The Infra-Ordinary
Peacebuilding tends to focus too much on economic development and too little on addressing the underlying causes that created the violence or meeting the needs of victims/survivors, and those who suffered the most from the violence.
F.M.H. • The Power of The Infra-Ordinary
Places that may have once been every-day, are now non-everyday places in nature, or what one might class as ‘infra-ordinary’ places of social significance within the built environment. Acknowledging that, while these places that used to present themselves as a great swath of the unexceptional, everyday life, needs only a little trauma for them to r... See more
F.M.H. • The Power of The Infra-Ordinary
It is fascinating how everyday places that through turmoil, have come to mean something else to those that frequent them.
F.M.H. • The Power of The Infra-Ordinary
By ‘everyday places’ I mean, the repetitive, common and taken for granted, the parts of the built environment that residents frequently engage but only truly appreciate once they develop a special meaning or character that stimulates a deeper perception.