Cultural Institutions Reimagined - Many museums and other cultural institutions have had a rough ride of late. Although their curators and patrons may disagree, so many of them are great examples of Edutainment. What’s more, they’re incredibly well placed to capitialize on Edutainment 3.0. To achieve this two-pronged mission, museums are ... See more
1. Hotel occupancy is 100% back to 2000-2020 avg
2. Manhattan subway ridership isn't even 40% back to 2019 levels.
... putting these stats in my Hot Take File under "travel bounced back to normal, but (especially urban, white-collar) work has changed for good"
That kind of spending is what our current economic model is based on: Americans of all class levels buying things and always wanting to buy more, regardless of their actual means. But when a society-throttling, economy-decimating pandemic comes along, what happens when that ability — and, just importantly, that desire — goes away? In April, retail ... See more