The Optimized Marketer: Writing with AI: Future-proof Your Talent and Position Your Business for a World Transformed by AI (The Optimized Self)
encouraging route is inspired by Explainable AI. Here, you are going to identify what your bot thinks makes your prose unique and have it apply the same signatures to subsequent output.
Joe Smith • The Optimized Marketer: Writing with AI: Future-proof Your Talent and Position Your Business for a World Transformed by AI (The Optimized Self)
It turns out that AI is quite good at padding. For example, you can try this wording: > Increase the length of the following piece of writing by 20 percent: [paste]
Joe Smith • The Optimized Marketer: Writing with AI: Future-proof Your Talent and Position Your Business for a World Transformed by AI (The Optimized Self)
A lawyer consulted for this book—a real one, they still have them—states that the relevant criterion is whether what you’ve asked the AI to produce is an original work. Almost anything you ask it to produce will be, because it will be a unique configuration of words.
Joe Smith • The Optimized Marketer: Writing with AI: Future-proof Your Talent and Position Your Business for a World Transformed by AI (The Optimized Self)
AI-generated content is like porn: hard to define, but you know it when you see it.
Joe Smith • The Optimized Marketer: Writing with AI: Future-proof Your Talent and Position Your Business for a World Transformed by AI (The Optimized Self)
Note, though, that when you take this tack, there’s an increased risk of overwriting and, as we’ll see again below, caricature.
Joe Smith • The Optimized Marketer: Writing with AI: Future-proof Your Talent and Position Your Business for a World Transformed by AI (The Optimized Self)
In order not to cause offense and alienate their customers, AI creators are making them less critical and more obsequious. Research from Google has shown that AIs get more sycophantic as they become more advanced.
Joe Smith • The Optimized Marketer: Writing with AI: Future-proof Your Talent and Position Your Business for a World Transformed by AI (The Optimized Self)
Humans tend to spend too much time trying to fix things at the copyediting level when we’d be better off losing the patient and rewriting passages from scratch.
Joe Smith • The Optimized Marketer: Writing with AI: Future-proof Your Talent and Position Your Business for a World Transformed by AI (The Optimized Self)
Directness Express yourself powerfully in a straightforward manner:
Joe Smith • The Optimized Marketer: Writing with AI: Future-proof Your Talent and Position Your Business for a World Transformed by AI (The Optimized Self)
Lean Prompting, we offer one or two items of context, then listen and reflect on the response before recalibrating our instruction. It is a more exploratory and collaborative orientation.
Joe Smith • The Optimized Marketer: Writing with AI: Future-proof Your Talent and Position Your Business for a World Transformed by AI (The Optimized Self)
chain-of-thought prompting can help you both think things through. First, ask the AI to strategize: > I’m a marketing executive. I want to insert mention of my client into content I am writing but to avoid output that mentions the client unnaturally, making it sound too much like marketing copy and decreasing its value to readers. What are some
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