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The only thing that matters
If you ask entrepreneurs or VCs which of team, product, or market is most important, many will say team... On the other hand, if you ask engineers, many will say product. This is a product business, startups invent products, customers buy and use the products... Personally, I’ll take the third position—I’ll assert that market is the most important ... See more
Marc Andreessen • The only thing that matters
You can obviously screw up a great market—and that has been done, and not infrequently—but assuming the team is baseline competent and the product is fundamentally acceptable, a great market will tend to equal success and a poor market will tend to equal failure. Market matters most.
Marc Andreessen • The only thing that matters
The only thing that matters is getting to product/market fit.Product/market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market.
Marc Andreessen • The only thing that matters
Finally, to quote Tim Shephard: “A great team is a team that will always beat a mediocre team, given the same market and product.”
Marc Andreessen • The only thing that matters
Ironically, once a startup is successful, and you ask the founders what made it successful, they will usually cite all kinds of things that had nothing to do with it. People are terrible at understanding causation. But in almost every case, the cause was actually product/market fit.
Marc Andreessen • The only thing that matters
In a great market—a market with lots of real potential customers—the market pulls product out of the startup.