The Mess of a Creative Space
Jonathan Simons, Analog Sea Review
Sometimes the process of thinking looks like needless chaos from the outside
But thats what creatives should be doing.
Banging on random objects just to see what it might shake out.
Creatives need to make a mess in order to arrive at clarity.
The calming effect of an open, uncluttered space does wonders for your creativity. When your space is disorganized, so becomes your life. (I always say, “Messy bed, messy head.”)
Latham Thomas • Own Your Glow
The Messy Desk
That's me. Multiple hats, disorganized desk, incessant task.juggling. Occasional flashes of genius within the chaos.
Dasha Nekrasova • Jon Rafman and Dasha Nekrasova on the Horror We Call Life
people need clear workspaces to be able to create. We cannot do our best thinking and our best work when all the “stuff” from the past is crowding and cluttering our space.
Tiago Forte • Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organise Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential
people need clear workspaces to be able to create.