The Man Who Does Everything - Adam Grant on The Tim Ferriss Show • Podcast Notes
Investor and entrepreneur Ray Dalio and psychologists Dr. Adam Grant, Dr. Brian Little, and Dr. John Golden.
Adam Grant • PrinciplesYou From Ray Dalio
A deep dive into the core traits and how they are likely to play out in real life situations;
Adam Grant • PrinciplesYou From Ray Dalio
Talent is evenly spread. Opportunity is not.
Adam Grant
Adam Grant actually said this one time, which is most ... He was talking about parenting. He said, "Most people think of parents as you're either ... It's a spectrum between being highly demanding and being highly supportive of your kids. Pick where you are in the spectrum." He was like, "That's all wrong. The best parents are both." Huge unlock fo... See more
Ravi Gupta • Focus
Adam Grant and others have shown that the most successful people are those who both help others, very efficiently, and take the initiative to ask for help in pursuing goals that serve a collective purpose.4