‘The Internet Is Broken’: @ev Is Trying to Salvage It (Published 2017)
“The trouble with the internet, Mr. Williams says, is that it rewards extremes. Say you’re driving down the road and see a car crash. Of course you look. Everyone looks. The internet interprets behavior like this to mean everyone is asking for car crashes, so it tries to supply them.”
... See moreBe part of a better internet
medium.comAgriculture was a tremendous invention – it got people fed and freed them to do many things. But agriculture – taken to the extreme in the pursuit of profit leads to a sick and obese population and industrialized farms with lit... See more
Sari Azout • Notes on Scale + Quality
The New Internet that's in question here probably began to coalesce in the early 2010s. At first, it emerged slowly, stewing in the public discontent that grew out of an increasingly powerful and extractive tech sector. Just as much as it was a professional stance, the reaction was a visceral one. Many users of the internet were beginning to notice
... See moreBryan Lehrer • What Happened to the New Internet?
Ben Tarnoff • Internet for the People
The social platforms of web 2.0 are broken. On the path to mass scale and attention-based monetization, they compromised much of their usefulness to users. I think back to the early days of the social web and how much interesting stuff I would find each day and how connected it made me feel. Today fake accounts and fake posts d
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