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The internet is already over
This is what I would like to do. I would like to see if, in the belly of the dying internet, it’s possible to create something that is not like the internet. I want to see if I can poke at the outlines of whatever is coming next.
Sam Kriss • The internet is already over
The things that will survive are the things that are already in some sense endless. The sea; the night; the word. Things with deep fathoms of darkness in them.
Sam Kriss • The internet is already over
We’re on a twenty-year loop: the time it takes for a new generation to be born, kick around for a while, and then settle into the rhythm of the spheres.
Sam Kriss • The internet is already over
The internet will not survive.
Sam Kriss • The internet is already over
In fact, one of the things that will not survive is novelty itself: trends, fads, fashions, scenes, vibes. We are thrown back into cyclical time; what’s growing old is the cruel demand to make things new.
Sam Kriss • The internet is already over
We are entering a blissful new Middle Ages, where you simply soak in a static world until the waters finally close in over your head.
Sam Kriss • The internet is already over
In the future—not the distant future, but ten years, five—people will remember the internet as a brief dumb enthusiasm, like phrenology or the dirigible. They might still use computer networks to send an email or manage their bank accounts, but those networks will not be where culture or politics happens. The idea of spending _all day online_&... See more