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The Internet Broke Brand Loyalty (Published 2021)
As modern consumer behaviour evolves, more and more solutions across their lifestyles are on-demand and flexible. Committing to a recurring purchase of a product that may not even work for you is starting to feel a little tired.
Harvey Hodd • Why subscriptions just don’t work for customers
And it sounded like a giant contradiction — a slick, Red Antler-crafted brand called Brandless? — which made it a popular topic for discussion. A lot of industry people seemed to want to see it sink.
The New Consumer • The end of Brandless
Fresh Today, Faded Tomorrow? Brand Resilience in a Changing World
Natasha Kimnatashajuliakim.medium.comNow, in today’s state of overabundance, this power dynamic has shifted. Consumers are only getting smarter, and we want something better — better sources, better designs, and better durability (both in value and sustainability). Today, it’s fidelity over convenience. And when curation is at the forefront of every purchasing decision, trust is curre... See more
Gaby Goldberg • Curators All the Way Down
And then — especially in the business press — because it furthered the narrative that even the hugest of consumer goods companies, long stuck in codependent relationships with the hugest of retailers, would start trying to sell more of their products direct.
Dan Frommer • The summer of outdoor commerce
What I really wanted to know is would she even invest in Dollar Shave Club or Warby Parker again today if they were in a new category?