The Inside-Out Revolution: The Only Thing You Need to Know to Change Your Life Forever
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The Inside-Out Revolution: The Only Thing You Need to Know to Change Your Life Forever
What would it be like to play the game of life with that same degree of fearlessness and freedom, knowing that everything that really counted – your well-being, happiness, love, and self-worth – was already yours to keep? After all, you were born with them, and the only thing that can ever take you away from them is a thought.
At the level of illusion, the mind is seen to work less as a camera or paintbrush than as a kaleidoscope, creating endless patterns of experience as it diffracts the oneness of life via the prism of Thought. This is the level of understanding that invites the miraculous – transformations that defy rational explanation and insights that redefine the
... See morerecognizing the role of Thought in creating experience makes us less inclined to run amok when we’ve gone offline. Instead of blaming our job, our partner, our kids, or the universe in general for our problems, we recognize that but for our thinking, we’d be having a completely different perception and experience of our situation.
The simplest way to gauge your current level of consciousness is to tune in to your feelings. When you’re feeling low (angry, frustrated, stressed out, uncomfortable, unwell, etc.), chances are that your level of consciousness has dipped and your view of yourself, your life, and the world is relatively limited. When your mood is higher and you’re f
... See moreAnd in the end, that seems to me to be the core of all our desires: the freedom to be able to enjoy our life and be a contribution to the whole in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, as best we can for as long as we ’re here. How things ultimately turn out isn’t up to us. It never was. But if we do our bit and play our part, it’s remar
... See moreWe’re playing with the house’s money. There’s nothing real at stake. The only thing we have to lose is the illusion that something outside us can make us happy, safe, and secure.
the brilliant Principles-based psychiatrist William Pettit.
Yet the moment we see that every feeling is just the shadow of a thought, we stop being scared of our feelings and just feel them.
the more you look in the direction of what’s creating experience and away from the content of that experience, the easier it is to hear the quiet wisdom that can lead to a quantum leap in consciousness.
Understanding that we’ll always get back online when our thinking slows down takes the pressure off – it’s not up to us to manage our state. This allows us to take advantage of our state of mind when it’s high, stay in the game when it’s low, and not waste much mental or physical energy trying to change, control, or ‘fix’ it in between times.