Saved by Jay Matthews and
The Great Creator Arbitrage Opportunity | #200 🥳
Throughout history, people have risked death for the ability to share their ideas. Now almost everyone has unfettered access to the internet and most people are sitting there and thinking “eh, I’m good.” People will look back at us and wonder what the hell was wrong with us.
Paul Millerd • The Great Creator Arbitrage Opportunity | #200 🥳
Finding this sort of internal power is an individual art to master and probably will not be clear when you first start creating online. When people start putting themselves out there fully, they are at peak uncertainty and crave a roadmap. As I like to say, don’t find a niche, find a mode or a state you can keep showing up in.
Paul Millerd • The Great Creator Arbitrage Opportunity | #200 🥳
One of the biggest challenges people have when embarking on an unconventional path is disconnecting from extrinsic markers of success and listening to internal motivational cues. On the default path, you can spend an entire career playing other people’s games. At first, people on a pathless path try to fill the lack of extrinsic goals with new ones... See more
Paul Millerd • The Great Creator Arbitrage Opportunity | #200 🥳
No matter what path we are on we feel the pressure to always be doing and orienting ourselves in ways that might help us in our careers. It convinces us we need to ship, produce, have an impact, and make money, or we are a failure.
Paul Millerd • The Great Creator Arbitrage Opportunity | #200 🥳
Buried beneath the surface ambitions of millions of office and knowledge workers around the world are dreams of working on things that are more challenging. This is the inspiration deficit. Almost any path that can be mapped and planned in today’s world has likely been sucked dry of the challenge that people desire.
Paul Millerd • The Great Creator Arbitrage Opportunity | #200 🥳
I believe the best way to describe this shift is as a shift from legible ambition to illegible ambition. The reason so many people cling to default metrics of success is that other people understand them. Legible ambition is a story that your parents can tell their friends. We fear that not having such legible ambition means we will be cast out of ... See more
Paul Millerd • The Great Creator Arbitrage Opportunity | #200 🥳
This disconnect can only last so long. This means there is a massive arbitrage opportunity for a certain kind of person that loves engaging with ideas, enjoys connecting with others around those ideas, going down obscenely deep rabbit holes, teaching people, and helping others in specific domains.
Paul Millerd • The Great Creator Arbitrage Opportunity | #200 🥳
I believe that we are in the early days of what will be remembered as one of the greatest times to be alive for hyper-curious people who are willing to be creative, connect with others, and share their ideas online.
Paul Millerd • The Great Creator Arbitrage Opportunity | #200 🥳
The takeaway is that you can take it slow. Creating online, doing your own thing, and dabbling here and there might dramatically expand your possibilities in the future.
Paul Millerd • The Great Creator Arbitrage Opportunity | #200 🥳
I’m indifferent to whether you do something great or not. All I know is that tapping into your creative potential is deeply powerful and with all the resources in the world at our disposal, we might as well see what we can become.