The Game

minutes. I have been Stylemogging too, which was hard at first. But now I’m finding it easier to control a set, despite my size (I’m 5'4"). I am even isolating and doing the cube sometimes, and getting the odd phone number. I feel like I’ve become a new, more confident person, with no social fears. Before, I was so insecure and self-conscious
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completely. Fuck! Lesson learned. Afterward, I went to the Standard, and there were already two workshops there. Practically every set there had been approached already with the “who lies more” opener, so I started opening people in the street outside. I would recommend that anyone starting out
Neil Strauss • The Game
have something. Katya, a petite Russian blonde with a Smurfette voice and the energy of a Pomeranian puppy, was at the front door in ten minutes with a Xanax and a worried look on her face. “Do not come in,” I warned her. “He’ll probably kill you.” Not that she didn’t entirely deserve it, of course. Or so I thought at the time. I gave Mystery the p
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that she would pay him to spend the next hour together. He managed to tease her out of eighty dollars at the rate of twenty dollars per hour. They continued to see each other afterward, free of charge. Grimble seduced a nineteen-year-old girl who came to his door selling magazines. Despite the fact that he was wearing boxers and a dirty sweater, he
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Suddenly, Papa, Tyler Durden, and the students laughed. “That’s one of the things you do,” Papa said. “Tyler’s writing about that.” “What? I just said ‘awesome.’ That’s because I think it’s hilarious. Seriously, I can’t wait to read it.” They all laughed again. Evidently I was Stylemogging them. “See,” Tyler Durden said. “You’ll use curiosity as a
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After getting fired from my job (too much time in the lounge, lol), I moved to L.A. last week to devote myself full-time to getting this game handled. I’ve always felt like the odd guy out here because I’m still a virgin and kind of a keyboard jockey, so I have locked off Saturday and decided to do a hundred
Neil Strauss • The Game
Do you call women in your life who you are not sleeping with “pivots” instead of friends? If you are around a woman in a non-social setting, such as a business meeting or a nursing home, do you get a strange shot of adrenaline and
Neil Strauss • The Game
years old, but he looks pretty young to me. He’s so cute. He’s like a little Elmer Fudd.” I stared at him in disbelief. He was AMOGing his fellow PUAs. It was diabolical. “You can get me,” Tyler said. “You can say I look like the Pillsbury Doughboy.” I choked back my disgust and thought, “What would Tom Cruise do?” “But I don’t want to get you, man
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When we finally emerged into the front room, we found Carly and Mystery wrapped around each other in a blanket. Judging by the clothing strewn across the floor, Mystery’s freeze-out had been a success. Caroline and I spooned on the couch next to them, and together we watched an episode of The Osbournes on