• from The Internet empowered us to find our tribes. Retail isn’t keeping up. by Julie Thibault

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  • from Curators All the Way Down by Gaby Goldberg

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  • The Internet empowered us to find our tribes. Retail isn’t keeping up.

    by Julie Thibault

    6 highlights

    Thumbnail of The Internet empowered us to find our tribes. Retail isn’t keeping up.

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  • from AMAZON PULLS THE RUG by Web Smith

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  • Platforms in an Aggregator World

    by Ben Thompson

    5 highlights

    Thumbnail of Platforms in an Aggregator World

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  • from Curators All the Way Down by Gaby Goldberg

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  • from Facebook and Instagram Shops are here, finally. Plus an interview with Chinese social commerce giant Pinduoduo by Li Jin

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  • from The online grocery discovery problem by The New Consumer

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