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The Element
Finding our Element often requires the aid and guidance of others.
Lou Aronica • The Element
Very few schools and even fewer school systems in the world teach dance every day as a formal part of their curricula, as they do with math.
Lou Aronica • The Element
“I understood the series of stages I was supposed to go through—you go to high school, you go to college, you get a credential, and then you go out and get a good job. I knew it wasn’t gonna work for me. I knew I was gonna be drawing cartoons forever.
Lou Aronica • The Element
His parents were right in assuming he had a promising future ahead of him, but that future had nothing to do with the legal profession.
Lou Aronica • The Element
message: that each of them found high levels of achievement and personal satisfaction upon discovering the thing that they naturally do well and that also ignites their passions.
Lou Aronica • The Element
The major obstacles to finding the Element often emerge in school. This is partly because of the hierarchy of subjects, which means that many students never discover their true interests and talents.
Lou Aronica • The Element
enough. Getting there depends fundamentally on our view of ourselves and of the events in our lives. The Element is also a matter of attitude.
Lou Aronica • The Element
If we’re not in our Element at work, it becomes even more important to discover that Element somewhere else.
Lou Aronica • The Element
Element—the place where the things you love to do and the things that you are good at come together.
Lou Aronica • The Element
The Element has two main features, and there are two conditions for being in it. The features are aptitude and passion. The conditions are attitude and opportunity. The sequence goes something like this: I get it; I love it; I want it; Where is it?